• Abstract

    O ordenamento da pescaria de camarões-de-profundidade (Decapoda: Aristeidae) no sudeste e sul do Brasil

    Published date: 20/12/2009
    This work describes the management process established for a new deep-water (600 – 800 m) trawl fishery in Brazil, including a review of the biological elements upon which management measures were recommended. This fishery was established in slope areas of southeastern and southern sectors of Brazilian coast during the last quarter of 2002 when profitable concentrations of “carabineiro” shrimp (Aristaeopsis edwardsiana), “moruno” shrimp (Aristaeomorpha foliacea) and “alistado” shrimp (Aristeus antillensis) were found by foreign stern trawl vessels. These vessels were chartered by Brazilian companies whose contracts were supported by a development plan of the Brazilian Government. A complete fishery evaluation, including stock assessment, potential yields estimation and biomass dynamics analysis of “carabineiro” shrimp, the main species caught, was conducted and has resulted on the development of a management plan, which incorporates technical points of reference, criteria for fishery diagnosis and decision making, and exclusive management measures. The main proposed management measures include a total allowable catch of 60 ton.year-1 to be harvested by a maximum of two national vessels, operating in a fishing area rotation scheme. The plan addresses also fishing exclusion areas (that include seamounts), bathymetric and by-catch limits, fishing gear restrictions, VMS (Vessel Monitoring System), logbooks and onboard observers.

Brazilian Journal of Aquatic Science and Technology

Environmental Sciences, Aquatic and Coastal Environments.

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