Fonte e distribuição de hidrocarbonetos do petróleo nos sedimentos da Baía de Todos os Santos, Bahia
Data de publicação: 11/09/2008
Todos os Santos Bay, located in Recôncavo Bahiano, is the largest navigable bay of Brazil. Its seafront has about 450 km and is recovered by extensive mangroves, which have developed over an humid substract rich in argillaceous minerals and organic matter. Coastal marine ecosystems, specially the semi-enclosed systems like bays, are under unrelenting stress caused by urban and industrial development. Mangroves are classified as being the most sensitive coastal environment and can be seriously affected by oil. Petroleum causes alteration on the mangrove that are common to several spills studies. This study was undertaken in the north area of Todos os Santos Bay to evaluate the possibility of chronic environmental impact induced by 50 years of exposure to the local petroleum industry. Pollution was investigated by determination of aliphatic hydrocarbon concentrations and biomarker compounds, for organic matter source identification. Results revealed that the main sources of hydrocarbons are from higher forests. Others sources of anthropogenic hydrocarbons are domestic and industrial effluents, shipping operations, offshore petroleum production, and transportation.