• Resumo

    Avaliação das preferências dos consumidores de pescado do estado do Tocantins através de pesquisa de campo realizada no seminário Caiu na Rede é Lucro

    Data de publicação: 27/11/2014

    Due to the large growth of the fishery sector in recent years and the strong upward trend of production and consumption for the future, it is necessary to cover a gap in the literature on fish consumption and evaluate consumer preferences. For this, the present study aims to identify these preferences to the state of Tocantins, in northern Brazil, conducting field research in the national seminar " Caiu na Rede é Lucro". The event was promoted by the system FAET/SENAR (Federação da Agricultura e Pecuária do Estado do Tocantins), Palmas, capital of the state of Tocantins and it was part of the works of Faet for the Year of the Multiplication of the Fish. The seminar was attended by approximately 300 people and some of these professionals work in fishing or aquaculture. Besides these professionals, the event also featured many interested in this subject and regular consumers of fish. To collect the desired data, a questionnaire was delivered to all participants of the seminar. As a result, the species of fish preferred for consumption were peacock bass and snapper. The study also investigated about the preferences of conservation, presentation and local purchase of fish. Fresh fish was the way of conservation chosen by most people. About presentation, the whole fish was the preferred form. With respect to local purchasing, market was the alternative more pointed as used by consumers.

Brazilian Journal of Aquatic Science and Technology

Ciências Ambientais, Ambientes Aquáticos e Costeiros. 

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