• Abstract

    Quantitative analysis of heavy mineral in the adjacent continental shelf to the center-north coast of the Santa Catarina state

    Published date: 30/06/2005
    Heavy minerals are detritics material originated from igneous, sedimentary and metamorfic rocks, having specific weight superior to the most common minerals, as quartz and feldspat. Its occurrence in coastal and marine continental deposits allows to infer in regard to the evolution of these environments, outstanding as an important tool for Sedimentology and Estratigrafy. Its provenience and distribution trend contribute for the sedimentologic and mineralogic characterization of the deposicional environment, detailing relative sedimentary aspects to each environment. In petroliferous exploration, they are used in the interpretation of the ambient processes and in the analysis of the sedimentary basins. When found in concentrations higher than 1% in relation to the studied fraction it can became economically viable for the exploration and then they are known as placers. Amongst placers of economic value outstand those of ilmenite, rutile, zircon, monazite and magnetite, concentrating in high-energy environments after the disaggregation of the rocks source. Exist in Santa Catarina continental shelf the need of more detailed studies about the mineral species, its concentrations and its distribution areas. Thus, this studied can give start to a series of researches referent to this mineral good and contributes to the production of important bibliographical references for the Southern-Brazilian Continental Edge.

Brazilian Journal of Aquatic Science and Technology

Environmental Sciences, Aquatic and Coastal Environments.

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