Aims and Scope

The Brazilian Journal of Aquatic Sciences and Technology - BJAST is an international scientific dissemination vehicle, aimed at multidisciplinary sciences of aquatic environments, which offers free access to published articles.

Authors are invited to submit works for publication in the following areas:

  • Environmental management and sustainability;
  • Use and Management of Natural Resources in Aquatic and Coastal Environments;
  • Ecology and Processes in Limnic and Oceanic Environments;
  • Climate changes.

Peer Review Process

After the manuscript is submitted through our system, the Editor-in Chief and the Editorial Board will evaluate preliminarily whether themanuscript fits as a potential article to be published in BJAST.

If the manuscript is approved in this evaluation the authors will informed by e-mail and the manuscriptwill be forwarded to two peers for review. After the referees review, the referee's recommendation (approved, approved with minor or major modifications or rejected) will be informed to the authors. If approved pending modifications, suggestions will be sent to the authors via e-mail who must reply either accepting alterations or providing convincing justifications otherwise.

The Editor-in Chief and the Editorial Board will come to a final decision about the article publication in BJAST. Finally, if approved, authors will be required to submit through the system the final version of the text and figures, which will be confirmed by e-mail upon receipt.

Publication Frequency

BJAST adopts a continuous publishing process. Whenever an article is approved and edited, it will be made available for reading.

One edition will be published per year. However, special editions may also be published throughout the year.

Open Access Policy

This journal offers open access to its content, following the principle that by offering free access to scientific knowledge allows for a greater democratization of knowledge.


This magazine uses the LOCKSS system to create a file system distributed among participating libraries and allows them to create permanent archives of the magazine for preservation and restoration.


BJAST is indexed in the following search engines:


Brazilian Journal of Aquatic Science and Technology

Environmental Sciences, Aquatic and Coastal Environments.

BJAST adopts the policy of continuous publication of articles. Therefore, whenever a manuscript is approved for publication, it will be immediately available for reading.


Latest issue

Vol. 28 No. 1 (2024)

Access journal
