
Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

Author Guidelines

The original manuscript must be submitted at the on-line system, after the main author registers at the system as an AUTHOR. The submitted file MUST NOT contain the authors’ names. The identification and registration of the authors will be done only through the electronic submission system.

PLEASE NOTE: When submitting the manuscript, the author must suggest the name of 5 possible reviewers, including name, e-mail and affiliation. This information must be included in the ‘Message to the editor’ box, during the submission of the manuscript.

Types of manuscripts The Brazilian Journal of Aquatic Science and Technology – BJAST accepts manuscripts in the following formats:

  • Articles: report results of original research, not previously published in other journals. They should be organized in a logical sequence with the following section: Title, Running Title (up to 50 characters and different from the Title), Abstract (up to 300 words), Keywords, Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusions (optional), Acknowledgments (optional), References and List of figures and tables (with their captions). Manuscripts for Articles should not exceed 30 pages, including tables and figures.
  • Short Notes: are brief reports of original research. Must be written in a continuous manner, without the sections mentioned above, except for Acknowledgments (optional), References and List of figures and tables (with their captions). Manuscripts submitted for Short Notes should not exceed 10 pages, including tables and figures.

BJAST accepts manuscripts Portuguese and English. Manuscripts in English can be written in either ‘American’ or ‘British’ English; however, authors should be consistent throughout the text. By using English articles will be more readily available, and of greater relevance, to the global scientific community.

All manuscripts, regardless of type, should be submitted in the following file formats: OpenOffice (.ODT), Microsoft Word (.DOC) or Rich Tect Format (.RTF). Documents shouls be configured as: sheet size A4, superior and inferior margins of 2.5cm and left right margins 3.0cm, double spaced, font arial 12, numbered lines and all pages must be numbered. All section headings (Introduction, Materials and Methods, etc.) must be in bold (e.g. Introduction). If sub-headings are needed, they must be written in italic (e.g. Study Area). Latin abbreviations (‘e.g.’, ‘et al.’) should not be in italic. Expressions ‘e.g.’ and ‘i.e.’ should not be followed by commas. Species names must be given in full the first time they are mentioned, including the authority who named the species (e.g. ‘Crassostrea gasar (Adanson, 1757)’). Afterwards it should be left up to the authors discretion. At all times, scientific names must be in italics.

Numbers, dates and map references
In the text numbers under ten should be spelled out where used individually. For larger numbers Arabic numerals should be used. For more than 1000, numerals can be written in mixed form (e.g. 150 thousand, 15 million, two billion). When expressing statistical or mathematical data, specific or accurate measurements, being expressed in international units and percentages, when followed by their respective unit, they must be written in arabic numerals (e.g. 3%, 5oC). Always spell out numbers that begin a sentence, or reword to avoid unwieldiness. Numbers with four or more figures should have no spaces (e.g. 1958; 968521; 1540.5). Decimal points should be indicated by full stops, not commas. Zeros should be included (e.g. 0.86). Units must be from The International System of Units (SI). For definitions please refer to the SI site. Due to the traditional use in the nautical area, exceptionally the units ‘knots’ and ‘nautical miles’ are accepted. There should be no space between numbers and abbreviated units (e.g. 115cm, 17kg). Dates should be in the format DD/MM/YYYY (e.g. 19/05/1970) or ‘19 May 1970’. Time should be cited in the international standard notation (hh:mm:ss or hh:mm, e.g. 09:00h or 17:27:33h). When referring to decades, use the full century (e.g. ‘decade of 1990’ or ‘the 70’s of the 20th century’). Geographic coordinates must be written as 26°54'S, 48°39'W or 26°54'28''S, 48°39'43''W.

Tables and Figures
These should be presented at the end of the manuscript with their identification numbers for the review process. All figures must be in an adequate size and quality for the review process. For the final version of the manuscript, after the appropriate corrections, figures must be sent separately by the authors, using the "Supplemental Material" option. Each figure must be submitted in a separate image file. Graphs and illustrations that are computer generated should be preferentially sent in vetor formatsuch as Scalable Vector Graphics (.SVG), CorelDraw version 13 (.CDR) and Windows Meta File (.WMF). Photos and scanned images must be sent preferentially in TIFF format, in resolution equal or greater than 600 dpi. For information on how to prepare figures for a publication, use the guide available at Public Library of Science - Guidelines for Figure and Table Preparation

Citations and References
Citations in the text:

  • One author: Andrade (2001); (Andrade, 2001);
  • Two authors: Andrade & Perez (2001); (Andrade & Perez, 2001);
  • Three or more authors: Andrade et al. (2001) and (Andrade et al., 2001).

When citing more than one reference, a chronological order must be followed: "Barreto & Resgalla (1995), Andrade et al. (2001)" or "(Barreto & Resgalla, 1995; Andrade et al., 2001)"

List only those cited in the body of the text in alphabetic order, according to the model below:

  • Journal Article:
    Pereira Filho, J.; Rorig, L.R.; Hesse, K.;Schettini, C.A.F.; Proença, A.L. & Santos, J.E. 2009. Primary and bacterial production processes in the lower Itajaí-Açú estuary, Santa Catarina, Brazil. Braz. J. Aq. Sci. and Tech. 13(1): 1-10.
  • Book:
    Parsons, T.R.; Takahashi, M. & Hargrave, B. 1984. Biological oceanographic process. 3° Edição. Pergamon Press, Oxford, 330p.
  • Book chapter:
    Smaal, A.C. & Widdows, J. 1994. The scope for growth of bivalves as an integrated response parameter in biological monitoring. In: Kramer, K.J.M. (ed.) Biomonitoring of coastal waters and estuaries. CRC Boca Raton. 247-267pp.
  • Theses:
    Godoi, S.S. 1982. Estudos das variações sazonais da frente oceânica entre a Corrente do Brasil e a Corrente das Malvinas, utilizando dados oceanográficos e dados do satélite SMS-2. Tese de Mestrado. Instituto de Pesquisas Espaciais - INPE. 123p.

The BJAST doesn't accept as references abstracts or expanded abstracts published in proceedings of scientific meetings. Technical reports of restricted circulation, as well as text from internet sites must be avoided, and its use must be justified to the Editorial Board

Privacy Statement

Names, addresses and e-mails informed in this journal will be used solely for the publication of manuscripts, and will not be made available to other purposes or persons.

Brazilian Journal of Aquatic Science and Technology

Environmental Sciences, Aquatic and Coastal Environments.

BJAST adopts the policy of continuous publication of articles. Therefore, whenever a manuscript is approved for publication, it will be immediately available for reading.


Latest issue

Vol. 28 No. 2 (2024)

Access journal
