• Abstract

    Trophic state index reveals hypereutrophic nature of a subtropical urban lake

    Published date: 19/12/2024


    • As a consequence of the growth of large urban centers close to aquatic environments, the input of nutrients from specific or diffuse sources of contamination has significantly impacted the water quality of these water resources. One of the main impacts on these ecosystems is eutrophication, which occurs due to the excessive nutrient load, especially of phosphorus and nitrogen, that contributes to the development of primary producers at levels above natural growth. To categorize the trophic state of a subtropical urban lake situated in a remnant of Atlantic Forest, short-period sampling was conducted during the dry and rainy seasons (2018-2019). Water samples were collected from the surface of the lake, at the limit of the euphotic zone, and from the bottom. Principal Component Analysis (PCA) was used to summarize the variability of the limnological data, and the Trophic State Index (TSI) was used to identify the trophic state of the lake. Nutrient analyses of the water column showed high nutrient availability in the system, mainly of ammonia, nitrite and total phosphorus. All the environmental variables were greatly influenced by rainfall. It is noteworthy that the total concentration observed in the samples was within the limits specified by Brazilian legislation. The application of the TSI classified the lake as hypereutrophic. We recommend continued monitoring of the lake's limnological variables, in order to devise strategies to improve the water quality of the lake.
    • Keywords: Eutrophication, Water quality, TSI, Monitoring.
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