• Abstract


    Published date: 27/10/2010
    This paper presents a preliminary approach on the hydrodynamics of the Cubatão River estuary based on hydrographic data from a thirteen-hour campaign (a complete tidal cycle) under spring tide condition. Current speed and direction, salinity, temperature and turbidity were recorded at 1.5 m bellow the water surface near the estuary mouth, with a moored acoustic currentmeter. Vertical profiles of salinity and temperature were done close to the mooring every hour with a CTD to give the vertical estuarine structure. Vertical profiles of CTD were also done along the estuary during the flood slack water. The results show that the Cubatão River estuary is vertically homogeneous almost time, with small periods with weak stratification during the ebb. The tidal regime was assimetric, with ebb currents stronger than flood currents.

Brazilian Journal of Aquatic Science and Technology

Environmental Sciences, Aquatic and Coastal Environments.

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