• Abstract

    Agentes naturais e antrópicos modificadores da qualidade da água e dos sedimentos nas áreas marginais da Lagoa da Conceição, SC

    Published date: 18/06/2014
    This study investigated water and sediment quality in a subtropical lagoon shallow areas surrounded by urban occupation. Results were associated with expected responses to different environmental features and human influence. The analysis revealed highest nitrate and phosphate levels after the summer season and higher concentrations of fecal coliforms after intense precipitation, suggesting an inefficient system of domestic sewage treatment. Statistical analyses distinguish two most populated areas: area 2-Centrinho presented finer sediments and higher reactive silica concentration than the others, while the area 3-Araças was differenced by the highest total organic matter content in the sediments.

Brazilian Journal of Aquatic Science and Technology

Environmental Sciences, Aquatic and Coastal Environments.

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