Processo de colonização do manguezal do Rio Tavares por análise da estrutura de diferentes bosques
Published date: 02/03/2014
Mangrove forests physiography was studied to understand colonization process. Two transects were made perpendicular to the Tavares River and twelve plots were established along the inundation flux. The quadrats were delimited and took structural dates as individual’s density, tree stature and diameter breast height. Avicennia schaueriana was the dominant species and Rhizophora mangle and Laguncularia racemosa were registries. Nine quadrats was dominated by A. schaueriana, two of them showed R. mangle and one, L. racemosa. A. schaueriana are the most adapted specie, dominating in basal area and it is the first specie to colonize the plots. Our structural dates give us some classification of the stand colonization. We differ forest in: colonization, development and mature.