• Abstract

    Determination the environmental impacts generated by the construction of a hotel system in the cliffs of Tibau do Sul - RN

    Published date: 30/06/2005
    The implantation of tourist equipments in the borders of cliffs, fragile areas under the environmental point of view, it is constituted in an of the main causes of the use pressure and occupation of the soil of the coastal area. The need to control the population growth disordered in the municipal district of Tibau do Sul - RN, as well as in the whole coastal area of RN, it has been promoting discussions in what refers to the implementation of a politics efficient and rational, because such environmental growth occurs of the tourist potential fort and of the implantation of activities human without any concern with the sustainability of the area. The objective of this work is, therefore to determine the environmental impacts generated by the construction of a hotel system in the cliffs of Tibau do Sul - RN. The district of Tibau do Sul, study area, is approximately located the 87 km to the south of the city of Natal, capital of the State of Rio Grande do Norte. The population concentrates mainly at coastal towns installed in the district of Tibau do Sul and Pipa and among the developed economical activities they are the fishing, the livestock and the tourism. The main ones negative impacts say respect a installation of erosive processes in the area and pollution of the water of the underground sheet and of the sea. The main positive impacts concern the socioeconomic development of the area. As reliever measures are suitable works of sanitation, territorial ordination and actions of control of the erosive processes.

Brazilian Journal of Aquatic Science and Technology

Environmental Sciences, Aquatic and Coastal Environments.

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