• Abstract

    Intertidal and surf zone macroinfauna of Paracuru beach (Ceará, Brazil)

    Published date: 30/06/2005
    The spatial and temporal variations of the benthic macrofauna in the intertidal zone and surf zone were examined in October/2003 (dry period) and April/ 2003 (rainy period), in Paracuru beach, Ceará. In the intertidal zone, a perpendicular transect was used, with points distanced to each other in 10m, from the supralittoral/midlittoral limit to the sea. Five replicates were taken from each sampling point, using a cylindric corer. In the surf zone, 5 perpendicular tows were conducted with a rectangular dredge, in the first 30m of the surf zone. The temperature, salinity and depth of ground water had little influence in the macrofauna zonation. Probably, the sediment particle-size and moisture were the most significant environmental parameters to the zonation pattern observed. The benthic macrofauna of the Paracuru beach was not abundant, being constituted mainly by the Polychaeta-Mollusca-Crustacea taxocenosis, in which Scolelepis squamata, Olivella minuta, Excirolana braziliensis and Pseudosphaeroma sp. were the most representative organisms in the study area.

Brazilian Journal of Aquatic Science and Technology

Environmental Sciences, Aquatic and Coastal Environments.

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