• Abstract

    Spatial distribution of meiofauna around an oil produtction plataform on Santos basin, north of Santa Catarina

    Published date: 17/10/2005
    The spatial distribution of meiofauna in the outer continental shelf of Santa Catarina was studied from samples collected around an oil production platform on the south of Santos’ Basin. A total of 14 taxa were identified. Bivalvia were the most representative in abundance, representing 47.2% of the total of individuals counted, followed by Nematoda (19,1%), Gastropoda (12,1%), Ostracoda (8,3%), Polychaeta (6,7%), and Copepoda Harpacticoida (4,3%). Others groups like Turbellaria, Oligochaeta, Kinorhyncha, Tardigrada, Tanaidacea, Aplacophora, Isopoda Gnathiidae and Acari Halacaridea were also found and represented together 1,8% of the meiofauna sampled. The total density of organisms varied from 49 ind./10 cm2 to 2 ind./10 cm2 . The community structure showed a pattern that decreased density as approaching the oil platform. Different faunal association were identified that one were characterized by the samples collected within 1000 and 3000 m from the platform and low faunal similarity within the samples collected near the oil-well.

Brazilian Journal of Aquatic Science and Technology

Environmental Sciences, Aquatic and Coastal Environments.

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