• Abstract

    Fuzzy agent-based modeling: a hybrid tool for exploring coastal zone spatial processes

    Published date: 17/11/2008
    The interaction dynamics between user groups and environment has increased to threaten natural resources availability. Overpopulation and environmental resources loss are common predictions for coastal zones in particular. Numerical models have been used to study human impact in these zones, with limited capability to handle actor’s perception and spatial distribution though. This paper proposes an Agent-based Model simulation for analyzing land occupation scenarios from people’s spatial perception and behavior that are coded through fuzzy logic. Agent-based Model is a recent simulation approach, which involves reproducing a real world system into a virtual one, where experiments shall be performed. In the virtual universe, each agent is represented by an independent entity that is capable of acting locally in response to its perception, coded behavior and environmental changes. Fuzzy logic, in addiction, has been used with relative success to handle real world uncertainty and linguistic terms in computational systems. A prototype of this hybrid model has demonstrated its viability as well as its ability to handle people’s spatial perception and behavior. A study case verifies the model potential application in studies and predictions of land occupation in a coastal area, including hypothesis test of each actor’s role in the system functioning.

Brazilian Journal of Aquatic Science and Technology

Environmental Sciences, Aquatic and Coastal Environments.

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