Exploratory Analysis of the Incidence of Nitro-Naphthalenes in the of Airborne Particulate Matter from Petrochemical Influence Area
Airborne particulate matter samples collected in sites under petrochemical influence, in Triunfo city – Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil,wereanalyzedbyGC/MS-SIMfornitro-naphthalenes.TotalSuspendedParticulates(TSP)samplescollectedmonthly, during summer, autumn, winter and spring of 2000 and grouped into three pools, January-April; May-August; September- December, and three samples of particulate matter PM10, corresponding to the months of February, June and August of 2005wereanalyzed.Theorganicextracts,obtainedbysonicationwithdichloromethane,werepreviouslyinvestigatedforthe presence of nitrocompounds with mutagenicity activity, using Salmonella/microsome assay with sensitive strains for these substances.Themutagenicresponsewasobservedforallsamplesindifferentlevels,demonstratingthepresenceofmonoand dinitro-PAHs in the extracts. The chromatographic analysis allowed verifying the predominance of dinitronaphthalenes for thesamplescorrespondingtothewintermonths,bothforPTSsample,May-August,andPM10samples,relativetoJuneand August.Theseresultsallowedcharacterizing,inagreementwiththemutagenicassay,thepresenceofnitronaphthalenesinthe samples.
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