The search for quality in the provision of tourist services is a constant feature among players in the sector. This study aims to analyze the impact of training on the perception of accessibility among participants in a course on how to serve tourists with disabilities. It uses applied, exploratory and descriptive research, with bibliographic analysis and case studies. Two questionnaires were applied to the same group of participants; one before a training course and the other after. The results of the two questionnaires were then compared, using a mixed approach method. The results showed that the training was able to alter the participants' perceptions of accessibility and improve their skills and competencies in serving tourists with disabilities or reduced mobility. As an academic contribution, this research demonstrates the importance of training in the provision of tourist services for people with disabilities or reduced mobility. As a practical contribution, the article provides a resource for market analysts, human resources professionals, government, businessmen and researchers in the area of tourism, for the development of effective training actions to cater for tourists with disabilities or reduced mobility.
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