This study analyzes the Categorization of Tourist Municipalities in the Rio Grande do Sul, and discusses the process of regionalization of tourism in the State and how tourism has impacted the development of the localities of Rio Grande do Sul that are part of the Brazilian Tourism Map, in light of the performance of their respective tourism economies. For this, an exploratory and descriptive study was carried out, based on secondary data available on the Mapa do Turismo 2019-2021 Portal of the Brazilian Ministry of Tourism. As a result, the categorization of tourist municipalities was created from the Tourism Regionalization Program, dividing the State of Rio Grande do Sul into twenty-seven tourist regions. The results show that in addition to the capital Porto Alegre, the Região das Hortênsias is the most important tourist destination in the state; it is the region with the most abundant offer of accommodation facilities, the one that generates more jobs in the hotel industry, and the one that collects the most taxes in the sector. Also of note are the Costa Doce, the Litoral Norte Gaúcho and the Região da Fronteira.
Copyright (c) 2024 Patrick Flores Soares, Fábio Zanini de Paula , Thiago Reis Xavier
Este trabalho está licenciado sob uma licença Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
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