This study analyzes the territorial repercussions of the development of Community-Based Tourism (CBC) in the Resex region of Prainha do Canto Verde, a community located in the municipality of Beberibe, on the coast of the State of Ceará, Brazil. This initiative is one of fifty CBT projects supported by Public Notice No. 001/2008 of the Ministry of Tourism. The analysis carried out considered some important dimensions for the structuring of the tourism modality discussed here, such as popular participation, the relationship between the community and the inducing agent, the project management model and the socio-spatial conflicts that arise with the development of tourism in the territory. To this end, bibliographic and documentary research was carried out on works produced on the fifty CBT projects supported in 2008, in addition to field research in Prainha in 2020 and semi-structured interviews, carried out remotely with representatives of the Rede Cearense de Turismo Comunitário (TUCUM) throughout 2021. The study promotes the understanding of CBT as a means of promoting community participation in the process of constructing, operating, managing and monitoring tourist activity in territories that present social and economic vulnerabilities, generally characterized as traditional communities.
Copyright (c) 2024 João Paulo Silva
Este trabalho está licenciado sob uma licença Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
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