Focus and Scope

Realizing the indispensability of functional content within the academic training, this journal seeks to foster scientific production focused on the publication of applied knowledge, resulting in useful solutions to the tourism market.

The scope of this journal covers academic papers that have functional tools practical results in order to contribute to the creation of a database of scientific papers applied in tourism, hospitality and gastronomy, as these areas are still in need of a periodical with such approach.

Therefore, in the pursuit of improvement of Research Group Tourism Space Planning and Management Man University of Vale do Itajaí (UNIVALI), the internationalization of scientific production and personal guidence to the labor market, are the next steps in this adaptation required to this Institution.

Peer Review Process

The evaluation process for submitted articles to the APPLIED TOURISM consists of the following stages:

* A preliminary evaluation (deskreview) by the editor(s), to determine whether the paper is in keeping with the journal’s editorial policy.

* Evaluation of the article by two members of the Editorial Board or ad hoc consultants in the form of double blind review.

* If the paper is approved and recommended by the evaluators, it may then be returned to the author(s) for improvements to the content and/or format.

* If it is approved, the article goes through a final stage of orthographic and grammatical revision.

The forecast for the publication, can vary from 12 to 24 months.

Publication Frequency


Open Access Policy

This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that freely available scientific knowledge to the public supports a greater global democratization of knowledge.


Univali Publisher

Sources of Support

  • Editorial Board

Journal History

APPLIED TOURISM was founded in 2014 by the Post-gradutaion course in Tourism & Hotel Management (UNIVALI), seeking to form an academic student in tune with the contemporary trade and fill the lack of a journal which has in its scope the applied focus on the market.


Its first issue was published on april 27th 2016, compromising of nine cientific papers on both languages, english and portuguese.




Applied Tourism

An international hub fostering promotion and dissemination of applied scientific and technological research in tourism, hospitality and food & beverage.

Latest issue

Vol. 9 No. 2 (2024)

Access journal
