• Abstract

    Nutritional education through recreational activities as an entertainment tool in Hotel businesses

    Published date: 14/08/2020

    Food, with its different flavors, is introduced into a child’s life by the family and through nutritional education. Recreational activities also give children the ability to understand what to eat, and how to eat it. Due to the high demand for tourist accommodation that focuses on the family segment, the tourist trade, particularly hotel business, is hiring more employees in the recreation and leisure sector, in order to assist children and parents who want to enjoy a few hours of carefree leisure and rest. This article aims to show that recreational activities that provide nutritional education can be developed by hotel businesses as a form of children’s entertainment, stimulating creativity, teamwork, imagination, interpersonal relationships, the comfort of parents, along with an improvement in dietary habits. This study involves applied, exploratory, descriptive and bibliographic research, with a quantitative analysis to evaluate the level of children's satisfaction, using a visual 3-point Likert Scale. As an action strategy, we organized lectures with fun activities. We conclude that activities associated with nutritional learning are accepted by children as a means of socialization and entertainment, making them tools for use in accommodation establishments, as a recreational activity aimed at encouraging healthy eating.


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