• Abstract

    Positive Academic Supervision: A Case Study in a Tourism Undergraduate Course at a Public University in the State of Paraná, Brazil

    Published date: 26/08/2021

    This report of experience describes took place in the academic context and aimed to study the relationship between an academic advisor and their student. The research problem emerged from the positive and negative experiences of two of the authors, during their timeas students under supervision at the university. In 2018, these authors had the opportunity, as advisors, to apply techniques to carry out positive supervision. The objective of this report was to present positive experiences of academic supervision for the production of a thesis for the undergraduate course of Tourism of a public university in the state of Paraná, Brazil. This study was carried out in 2018, and involved the supervision of two students, with thirteen steps, as described in this report. The results of the supervision were two undergraduate theses that were approved and received praise, and two students who were satisfied with the process. As practical implications, we observed that when the advisor and student are bothclear as to the student's role as the protagonist of the process, the teaching-learning process generates results in terms of knowledge construction and application of this knowledge in the studied context. Thus, positive supervision can improve the student's professional and/or social context. In the cases studied here, the students and their advisors worked together from the start of development of the undergraduate thesis; and shared their empirical and scientific knowledge.

  • References

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