• Abstract

    Proximity tourism: An observational analysis of the use of instagram to promote the northeast of Brazil

    Published date: 20/04/2023

    With the change in the profile of consumers, especially in tourism, due to issues brought by globalization, greater access and use of technologies and, recently, the restrictions imposed by protocols to prevent contamination by the Covid-19 virus and its consequences, it was necessary to change the way of experiencing tourism, leading the market to adapt to the new reality. And so, in this context, the incentive to the realization of Proximity Tourism gains strength and this fact raises the following research question: how has this type of tourism been addressed and how the cities of northeastern Brazil have been working this theme to promote their potential in the social network Instagram? Therefore, the main objective of this study was to perform an observational analysis of what is being posted on this social network with reference to proximity tourism, by checking the hashtags #turismodeproximity and if the cities of northeastern Brazil are using this tool on Instagram. As a result of research, it was realized that of the total posts indexed with this hashtag, a very incipient amount is still directly related to this region, being the disclosure still very small and consequently, not generating a greater visibility of this type of tourism.

    Keywords: Proximity tourism. Tourist experience. Northeast Region (BR)

Applied Tourism

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