• Abstract

    Digital Tourism Marketing: : Instagram Analysis of Receptive Agencies in Praia da Pipa – RN- Brazil

    Published date: 02/08/2024

    This research analyzes digital tourism marketing on the Instagram pages of receptive
    agencies in Praia da Pipa, a tourist destination located along the coastline in the municipality of
    Tibaú do Sul, in the state of Rio Grande do Norte, seen as a marketing action that brings together
    a set of strategies to promote and sell tourism products. The aims of the investigation are to
    ascertain the knowledge and strategies used by the four enterprises that were the focus of the
    research, the graphic and editorial quality of the posts, as well as their effectiveness in terms of
    marketing promotion. As a theoretical basis, this research draws on contributions from authors
    such as Kotler (2011; 2007), Rejowski (2007), Perussi (2007), Pantulfi (2021), among others. The
    methodology applied is qualitative in nature and combines bibliographical readings, interviews
    with the owners of the selected receptive agencies, and netnographic investigations into their
    posts in order to contextualize their graphic and editorial quality using content analysis, as well
    as their results in terms of customer engagement and sales. We conclude that the amount of
    investment and effort made by Pipa's receptive agencies in their digital tourism marketing is
    proportional to the quality and results of the strategies put into practice.

    Palavras-chave: Marketing Turístico; Marketing Digital; Receptivo; Praia da Pipa.

Applied Tourism

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