• Resumen


    Published date: 15/05/2020
    The overall aim of this research paper is to identify the main difficulties faced by street vendors working around Brasília Capital Fitness, an event held in 2019 at the Pavilhão de Exposições do Parque da Cidade, a large events center in the city of Brasília, DF. A research questionnaire was specially designed for this research, aimed at the street vendors working at the event. The questionnaire sought to determine the socioeconomic profile of these workers, their main activities, and main difficulties they encountered when carrying out this work. The results showed that around 60% of the difficulties mentioned by the street vendors were related to inspections of their authorization to work at the event. It is noted that although 70% of the street vendors had authorization to work at the event, many of those inspecting their activities were too high-handed, creating barriers that prevented the street vendors from freely conducting their activities.
  • Citas

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