• Resumen

    ACADEMIC EVENTS FROM CONCEPTION TO FINAL REPORT: Report of experiences in university extension activities

    Published date: 14/08/2020

    This study is characterized as a report of experience, based on the importance of university extension activities at events as a form of professional practice for students of the Tourism course of the State University of Amazonas - UEA. It reports on the results of an extension project entitled Academic Events from Conception to Final Report. The methodology used for the construction of this study consists of exploratory and descriptive research, qualitative  in nature, with a bibliographic review to support the proposed discussion.  In terms of the results of this experience, professional practice in the events sector is seen as the main factor contributing to the professional formation of students, through their involvement in more than forty events during the second half of 2017 and through to the end of 2018. The report is relevant because it inspires other colleges and universities to reproduce similar activities and even improve on them.


  • Citas

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Applied Tourism

Uma plataforma internacional com a finalidade de promover e disseminar a pesquisa científica e tecnológica aplicada em turismo, hospitalidade e gastronomia.

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