• Resumen

    Memories and traditions of street food: Gastronomic practices on the streets of Pelotas

    Published date: 20/06/2022

    The overall objective of this work is to carry out a survey on street gastronomy through the memories of residents and non-residents of the city of Pelotas, discovering which memories are most present in the respondent's imaginations, and to analyze which neighborhoods these foods were found in and the memories they evoke. A questionnaire was prepared, to which 103 participants responded. Based on the responses, it was concluded snacks are in the memory of most residents and non-residents alike, such as traditional sweets of the city, and that the downtown area was the location with the greatest presence of these services.

Applied Tourism

Uma plataforma internacional com a finalidade de promover e disseminar a pesquisa científica e tecnológica aplicada em turismo, hospitalidade e gastronomia.

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