Selective collection is an alternative way to minimize the
environmental impact of waste that is disposed of and to reduce the
production of misused waste. This work aims to raise awareness
among children outside the literacy range, interactively teaching
the importance of selective collection. The proposal includes the
construction of a prototype automated trash bin, made up of
electronic components and controlled through the Arduino
platform and the help of sensors and actuators. Thus, when the child
approaches the dumpster, a sound is emitted according to the
material the dumpster receives, so the child deposits the waste
correctly and consciously, without the need to be literate,
interactively and associating that waste should be sorted and
disposed of properly. After prototyping, the assessment of learning
will be qualitative, through observation of the interaction of the
child with the trash, where the "hits" (correct disposal) can be
quantified, as well as their reactions and perceptions.
O Computer on the Beach é um evento técnico-científico que visa reunir profissionais, pesquisadores e acadêmicos da área de Computação, a fim de discutir as tendências de pesquisa e mercado da computação em suas mais diversas áreas.