• Resumo

    Uma Linguagem de Modelagem de Domínio Específico para Linhas de Produto de Software Dinâmicas

    Data de publicação: 04/09/2020

    Software Product Lines can be briefly defined as a family of products
    that share some commonalities. The feature models approach is
    used to represent the commonalities and variabilities among products.
    One possible way for the construction of these models is the
    use of meta-models. However, the management of these features,
    traditionally performed at development time, is not sufficient for
    the development of Adaptive Systems. One solution to this type of
    development is the approach of Dynamic Software Product Lines
    which has as one of its aims to promote features input and output
    at runtime allowing the product to be adapted after changes in
    contexts. This article proposes a Domain Specific Modelling Language
    that aims at modeling Dynamic Software Product Lines. This
    language describes dynamic adaptations promoted at runtime and
    through the use of the state machine approach. Such adaptations,
    based on state machines, must promote state features changes or
    features exchanges at runtime, enabling these software products to
    manage derivations in its life cycle. Our proposal was implemented
    with the use of a Healthcare scenario and its development was
    based on the concept of the component service model.

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O Computer on the Beach é um evento técnico-científico que visa reunir profissionais, pesquisadores e acadêmicos da área de Computação, a fim de discutir as tendências de pesquisa e mercado da computação em suas mais diversas áreas.

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