• Resumo

    Aprendendo Conceitos de Orientação a Objetos Usando as Ferramentas Scratch e Snap!

    Data de publicação: 04/09/2020

    The object-oriented programming paradigm serves as the basis
    for the most used programming languages nowadays, where large
    scale projects take advantage of certain characteristics, such as
    code reuse, encapsulation, better organization on the system design,
    and consequently the improvement on the maintainability
    of software in general. These features are intrinsic in the objectoriented
    paradigm. However, preparing professionals to work as
    systems analysts or developers for projects based in this paradigm
    has been shown difficult in academia, since it is necessary to understand
    a set of abstract concepts before starting the codification phase.
    In this context, this paper seeks to contribute with the study of two
    programming tools – Scratch and Snap! – developed exclusively
    for teaching computer programming, exploring them in order to
    teach object-oriented concepts in a visual and interactive mode,
    aiming to apply these concepts later in a traditional programming
    language such as Java, C#, or C++.

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