• Resumo

    Avaliação de um Jogo para o Ensino de Gerência de Riscos: uma Experiência com o Modelo de Avaliação MEEGA+

    Data de publicação: 04/09/2020

    Educational games are used as practical learning tools. However,
    most of the games do not have evaluations that present learning
    results that confirm their effectiveness. Therefore, we aimed to
    evaluate the game The Risk Analysis Theory aimed at the area of
    risk management knowledge, using the model called MEEGA+ to
    evaluate the perception of learning and experience of the
    players. The result of the evaluation presents indications that the
    game is effective in learning and provides fun to the players
    guaranteeing their use of the game as a learning tool, however,
    some points of improvement of the game have been highlighted.
    This study also presents the result of the evaluation of
    participants 'level of knowledge about risk management,
    allowing us to observe that the intervention with gambling
    provided an increase in participants' knowledge about the topic

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