• Resumo

    Desenvolvimento de um Software para Auxílio na Comunicação de quem tem Transtorno do Espectro Autista - TEA

    Data de publicação: 04/09/2020

    Autistic Spectrum Disorder - TEA is marked by a number of characteristics that influence the daily lives of citizens with the disorder. This change consists of difficulty in communicating with society, badly social interaction and restricted and repetitive behavior, of- ten not dealing with changes in routine. Due to these obstacles faced by autists, forms of intervention arise in order to social inclusion towards these people, such as alternative methods that help autistics communicate. The Picture Exchange Communication System - PECS is one of these assistive tools, based on picture communication, one simulates autism and others everyday foods and objects. However, this method has some issues, for example, some of them cannot associate an illustrative figure that represents an object in reality, causing the PECS to be unusable. From this, this project based on the development and implementation of the site “SeuPecs”, based on the above Communication System, with the creation of unique PECS for each autistic in order to contribute to the communication of who has the TEA.

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