• Resumo

    Vogons, the Invaders

    Data de publicação: 04/09/2020

    Game development is a recognized and documented approach to
    improving computer programming learning. This article describes
    the redesign of the popular game Space Invaders, using Python as
    the programming language and libraries Arcade, Random, Os and
    Math. The game developed has modifications in various aspects, like
    textures, jogability, scores and story. The motivation for the remake
    was the desire to bring a nostalgic experience for the player,
    combined with learning about game development. Considering that
    it was built by people with no previous experience in game
    development, the proposed objectives were achieved, with the
    game having been completed. The Arcade library proved to be easy
    to use and productive. As future work, an online ranking will be
    developed, in addition to generating bonuses for the player and the
    use of design patterns.

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