• Resumo

    DINO: Roteamento Dinâmico para ITS Considerando Recursos da Rede

    Data de publicação:

    Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) arose as a modern solution to
    traffic jams and vehicle accidents in the urban environment. A key
    part of the ITS is Traffic Management (TM), which concerns the
    planning and route definition of the vehicle. Existing TM solution
    focuses specifically on urban traffic information, ignoring the issues
    related to the network infrastructure and the applications at the top
    of it. Within this context, this paper presents a vehicle routing and
    re-routing strategy, called DINO, that considers both travel time of
    vehicles on the roads and the active network flows in the network,
    aiming to dynamically bring a suitable balance between travel time
    and packet delivery through a heuristic. The experiments performed
    suggest that DINO improves the packet delivery of the applications
    while reduces the average travel time of vehicles.

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