• Resumo

    Recomendações para Projeto de Jogo Digital Educacional para o Ensino Fundamental com Foco em Valores Ético-Morais

    Data de publicação: 13/07/2022

    Previous research shows that the involvement of games as an educational
    resource can generate good results, and some studies
    demonstrate the use of games as an auxiliary tool in learning respect
    for rules, tasks, and values. However, the ethical-moral values
    approach in learning is not a simple task, but some works demonstrate
    that games embody human values. In the literature, there are
    theoretical studies on the use of games in education, but there is a
    need for more practical assessments to verify the validity of existing
    concepts. This research aims to propose recommendations for developing
    an educational game for children aged 10 to 12 years with
    content that encourages ethical-moral values and the development
    and evaluation of a game prototype for the target audience. First,
    we conducted a semi-structured interview with elementary education
    teachers. Later, these teachers also answered a questionnaire
    after interacting with the first version of the game prototype. From
    the results found, it was possible to draw up recommendations
    for a game that meets the specific research audience, such as: the
    game should have different avatars for the player to choose from,
    the game should be collaborative, the game should address current
    issues. The recommendations can help develop digital games that
    encourage elementary education students to become interested in
    educational games with a focus on ethical-moral values.

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O Computer on the Beach é um evento técnico-científico que visa reunir profissionais, pesquisadores e acadêmicos da área de Computação, a fim de discutir as tendências de pesquisa e mercado da computação em suas mais diversas áreas.

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