The virus SARS-CoV-2 caused a pandemic that started in 2019, it
has crowded hospitals, and caused millions of deaths around the
world. This disease has promoted an immeasurable impact on people’s
lives. One of the most important aspects of combating an
epidemic is to understand how the virus is transmitted, and how
fast it propagates through the environment, considering the large
number of variables involved that can be observed by scientific
methods. Aiming to provide this understanding, in this work, we
propose an epidemic simulation system, focusing on the COVID-19
scenario, implemented using multi-agent systems. The epidemic
simulation system is based on the well-known SIR transmission
model. Also, to evaluate the proposed simulation system, we took
into consideration the main causes pointed out by the Mundial
Health Organization about the transmission of COVID-19, simulating
different scenarios related to the pandemic, validating the
implementation of the simulation system.
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