• Resumo

    O trabalho pedagógico com estudante com deficiência intelectual (DI) mediado por tecnologias digitais

    Data de publicação: 03/05/2023

    This article presents an experience report of a teacher from the
    public education network of the Federal District on the
    organization of pedagogical work mediated by Digital
    Information and Communication Technologies with a student
    with intellectual disabilities, after the pandemic period, in the
    return to face-to-face pedagogical activities. The type of
    research was qualitative in nature of the case study type,
    taking the observation and recording of facts as an instrument
    of data production for six months. The results indicate a
    considerable improvement in cognitive and social aspects of
    the student under observation, and point to changes in the
    pedagogical practice of the teacher. The main considerations
    indicate that pedagogical mediation using digital resources has
    modified the processes of teaching-learning and human
    development, using new interactional and pedagogical

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