• Resumo

    Avaliação da Usabilidade do Sistema de Informação e Gestão de Projetos (SIGProj) e da Aceitação de uma Proposta na Extensão Universitária

    Data de publicação: 03/05/2023

    Context: Public Higher Education Institutions adopt managerial
    technological innovations to respond to their demands. However,
    some systems may or may not partially meet the institution’s needs,
    making system acceptance and university management difficult.
    Objective: The goal of this work is to evaluate the usability and
    satisfaction of an institution’s Information System and Project Management
    (SIGProj) in the context of the university extension and
    propose a new system to maximize system usage. Method: for evaluation,
    empirical methods were used: (i) System Usability Scale
    (SUS) and NBR ISO/IEC 9126 quality model for the current SIGProj,
    and (ii) Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) for the evaluation of
    the proposal system during a workshop with expert users. Results:
    The results indicate low usability of the current SIGProj, highlighting
    the need to prioritize design and usability. Nonetheless, was a
    high perception of acceptance, adoption and intention to use the
    system proposed. Conclusions: We concluded, therefore, that the
    result of our work can contribute to a more adequate, innovative
    and promising development of a project management system for
    university extension.

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