• Resumo

    Utilizando Design Thinking no design de aplicativos educacionais para crianças autistas

    Data de publicação: 03/05/2023

    Children diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder are characterized
    by deficiencies in three areas of development: behavior,
    attention, and language. Even with these difficulties, access to technological
    devices (such as tablets and smartphones) was a great ally
    in the education of autistic children. However, educational apps
    are commonly designed without due concern for accessibility for
    this target audience. In this way, the objective of this research is to
    facilitate the design of an app interface for autistic users through
    the use of practices addressed by the Design Thinking (DT) methodology.
    The DT is a collaborative, creative, and innovative thinking
    approach to problem-solving. The use of DT aims to get more information
    about the important aspects that should be considered in the
    design of accessible solutions before the application development
    begins. As a result, we design and validate an educational app for
    autistic children in a case study.

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