• Resumo

    Análise Comparativa de Algoritmos Adaptativos Baseados em Least-Mean-Square para o Controle Ativo de Vibração

    Data de publicação: 03/05/2023

    Adaptive algorithms have been applied in noise and vibration
    suppression in several engineering areas. This work investigates
    the practicality of analysis between techniques of active vibration
    control for the suppression of movements arising from hand
    tremors. The signals generated by the pathological motion have
    frequencies between 3Hz and 6Hz, with the highest concentration
    of energy in the gestures. These signals are acquired in the
    fundamental harmonic and the second harmonic, whereas physiological
    tremors vary between 2Hz and 12Hz. We have used computational
    tools in Matlab to simulate these signals. We have used
    the least mean square (LMS) based algorithms, namely Filtered-x
    Least Mean Square (Fx-LMS), Filtered-x Normalized Least Mean
    Square (Fx-NLMS), and a hybrid Fx-NLMS&LMS. In our results, we
    identify a faster response by the Fx-LMS&LMS algorithm in the
    active vibration control for physiological tremors. In this example,
    the algorithm has required 3000 samples for steady-state.

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