• Resumo

    Avaliação de Desempenho de Estratégias de Virtualização Alternative Title: Performance Evaluation of Virtualization Strategies

    Data de publicação: 03/05/2023

    Cloud computing is a computational model in which providers offer
    on-demand services to clients in a transparent way. In this context,
    the efficient provisioning of resources is extremely important, since
    it is directly related to Quality of Service (QoS), with the Service Level
    Agreement (SLA) compliance and the cost of the service. In this
    way, virtualization becomes a crucial factor in resource provisioning.
    In this paper, performance evaluations were performed considering
    environments configured with different virtualization strategies: by
    virtual machines and by containers. In the first set of experiments,
    we evaluated the boot time of the system with the KVM, Xen and
    Docker tools and with variations in the number of instances and
    virtual cores. In the second, the same mechanisms were analyzed
    during the execution of different benchmarks (Apache and Smallpt)
    and with variations in the number of virtual resources provisioned.
    In the results, Docker proved to be more efficient when compared
    to other tools.

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