• Resumo

    Zeig Dich: Dataset para Reconhecimento de Tipos de Fonte de Jornais Históricos Teuto-Brasileiros

    Data de publicação: 03/05/2023

    This paper addresses the challenge of typeface recognition, within
    the broader scope of optical character recognition of historical
    German-Brazilian periodicals. A dataset of words containing annotations
    of font types and transcriptions for training neural networks
    for typeface and text recognition is presented. By enabling wordlevel
    typeface and text recognition, the authors plan to later develop
    techniques for high-precision OCR of historical prints typeset in
    heterogeneous font styles. The value of this dataset is proven by the
    excellent results obtained by artificial neural networks trained on it.
    The authors also recognize that even better results can be obtained
    by exploring new ways of organizing the dataset prior to training,
    and that the results can also be improved through modifications in
    the architecture of the nets used.

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