• Resumo

    Plugue: Uma Ferramenta para Apoiar o Compartilhamento de Ideias no Ensino Baseado em Projetos

    Data de publicação: 03/05/2023

    Context: Before starting the development of a final thesis, there are
    several challenges for both faculty advisors and university students.
    For professors, notoriously, there is the great challenge of finding
    students who want to participate in the development of their academic
    projects. For students, the difficulty of finding projects or
    teachers who want to work on their ideas is recurrent. Objective:
    The goal of this work is to propose and evaluate a tool called Plugue,
    to support the project-based learning approach and manage topic
    ideas projects in the academic community. Method: A survey with
    82 Brazilian academic students and professors was conducted to
    collect information about the perception of the utility, perception
    of use, and intention to use the tool using the TAM3 model. An
    analysis of the collected data was conducted according to explore
    data and generate results. Results: We identified the characteristics
    of participants, current scenario, and perceptions of utility, use, and
    intended use according to the level of agreement of participants.
    Conclusions: Our study indicates that the approaches used and the
    features of the Plugue tool are promising and suitable for higher
    education and confirm the need for the tool for universities.

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O Computer on the Beach é um evento técnico-científico que visa reunir profissionais, pesquisadores e acadêmicos da área de Computação, a fim de discutir as tendências de pesquisa e mercado da computação em suas mais diversas áreas.

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