In Information Technology, one of the concerns is electronic waste
from equipment, highly polluting, and environmental preservation.
At IFC campus Brusque, to work on this cross-cutting theme, the
ReuseTech project was proposed. This is a report on the experiences
of seven years (2016 to 2022) of project as an alternative to
insert research and extension in high school or higher education
curricula. From the knowledge of the curriculum courses, the students
collected computer equipment, did sorting and, what could be
recovered, was donated to the local society; what could not be, disposed
of correctly in ecopoints. This work presents and discusses
the main results of the project in research (such as summaries,
events, brands and software registrations) and extension (such as
audience reached, donations, assembly and maintenance computer
O Computer on the Beach é um evento técnico-científico que visa reunir profissionais, pesquisadores e acadêmicos da área de Computação, a fim de discutir as tendências de pesquisa e mercado da computação em suas mais diversas áreas.