An available infrastructure for testing authentication and authorization
flows is often necessary in the Identity Management (IdM) field.
Creating virtual environments for this purpose can result in high
costs in terms of time, effort, and resources required for building
and maintaining these setups. Thus, GIdLab emerges as a laboratory
dedicated to experimentation, provided by the Brazilian National
Education and Research Network (RNP). GIdLab offers specialized
consultancy in IdM with a tailor-made experimentation lab that
provides a set of authorization and authentication infrastructures
and an eduroam environment ready to be used by researchers and
software developers. This article aims to describe GIdLab service,
its infrastructure, the associated federations, the use of proxies, related
projects, identity decentralized testbed, and, finally, the results
obtained over ten years of supporting experimentation.
O Computer on the Beach é um evento técnico-científico que visa reunir profissionais, pesquisadores e acadêmicos da área de Computação, a fim de discutir as tendências de pesquisa e mercado da computação em suas mais diversas áreas.