The Massive Open Online Courses (MOOC) has worldwide been
explored by universities and private companies as an alternative
to scale their educational practices through Internet media. Henceforth,
digital technologies and teaching-learning methodologies
are researched to provide affordable platforms where the students
can build their own knowledge. In this context, this work introduces
some educational and technological challenges to develop
and maintain MOOC platforms for free short courses for professors
that want to introduce maker learning practices with 3D Printers
and programming educational solutions with Arduino based
technologies. The challenge is to create a step-by-step course with
exercises whose students would learn by practicing, reflecting these
steps and applying them in their educational workday. In order to
attempt these requirements a course based on short videos, followed
by tasks and a mini project were planned to evaluate how these
students engage in the platform and to maximize their experience.
O Computer on the Beach é um evento técnico-científico que visa reunir profissionais, pesquisadores e acadêmicos da área de Computação, a fim de discutir as tendências de pesquisa e mercado da computação em suas mais diversas áreas.