• Abstract

    Economic analysis of the gastronomy sector in Brazil, the northeast region and the state of Paraíba: contribution of the sector to the economy and the labor market

    Published date: 12/03/2020

    The objective of this research was to analyze the food sector in Brazil, the Northeast Region and in the State of Paraíba from the economic perspective, seeking to systematize information about the sector, as these have been contributing to the growth of the Brazilian economy and the profile of the Brazilian market work. The main source of data collection was the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics. The mains variables obtained were the number of local units, total employed people, wages and other salaries, with geographic coverage of Brazil, the Northeast region and the state of Paraíba, and historical series from 2007 to 2015. With data collected, it is possible to affirm that the housing and food sector represented, in 2015, 2.38% of what was produced by the companies to make up the Gross Value Added (GVA) of the country. Speaking specifically about food companies, these corresponded to 3.60% of the total staff employed, but only to 1.63% of salaries paid, demonstrating a need for greater appreciation of the professional of the area. In dealing specifically with the Northeast and Paraíba, it is concluded that, in general, the food sector grew more in the region and state than in the national average, except for wages.

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