• Abstract

    Ambulant sale of food in the street nearby events: the issue of food (in)security from the perspective of the consuming public

    Published date: 12/05/2020
    This article discusses issues related to the practice of street commerce near to events that occur in the Distrito Federal (DF), from the consumers' point of view. In order to do this, with the help of a survey, we sought to collect the information about the public's perceptions and consumption habits, to identify the elements that interfere in the option for consumption inside the event or with street vendors and how consumers evaluate the problem of food security in the provision of this service. The results demonstrate that 48.94% of consumers have a habit of consuming food sold by street vendors and that only 14.89% have knowledge about the rules of good practice in food handling and consider them when selecting consumption places of edibles.

Applied Tourism

An international hub fostering promotion and dissemination of applied scientific and technological research in tourism, hospitality and food & beverage.
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