• Abstract

    Identification of improvements for the environmental management system in compliance with the NBR ISO 14001 certificate of the Tour Macuco Safari

    Published date: 06/07/2021

    The company Ilha do Sol Agencia de Viagens Ltda. operates in the Iguaçu National Park in Foz do Iguaçu / PR for about 30 years offering boat trips that cover the rapids of the Iguaçu. This company had until 2010 a contract with IBAMA, which managed the Conservation Unit. As of 2010, through a new contract, the Chico Mendes Institute for Biodiversity Conservation - ICMBio starts to manage the National Parks, so the need specified in Public Tender arises that the company will have a Environmental Management - certified EMS.Thus, the Macuco Safari tour became NBR ISO 14001 certified in 2016, and like any organization certified by the standard, there are benefits and difficulties in maintaining the system.Intrinsic to the certification is the need for SAG improvements, in this sense, this experience reports the work developed with the objective of identifying improvements in the project's Environmental Management System, aiming at fulfilling the requirements of NBR ISO: 14001: 2015, For this purpose , Participant, Bibliographic and Documentary research was carried out based on the needs presented by the management team of the existing system in the company. At the end, low-investment, practical actions that have the potential to improve the EMS were identified, as well as giving visibility to the company, such as: holding meetings and training, exchanging unsustainable products for sustainable products, promoting environmental campaigns and publicizing company's EMS.

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