• Abstract

    Tourism rebound in the post-pandemic era: : An analysis of consumer behavior

    Published date: 17/11/2023

    Abstract: The main objective of this study focused on analyzing how the tourist product consumer behaved in the post-pandemic period. Therefore, a bibliographic research was carried out around websites and scientific articles, from the year 2020 to 2022, seeking to find what were the greatest difficulties and how tourists perceived the return of the post-pandemic. Thus, the study was based on data from official websites of the Ministry of Tourism (Mtur), Forum of Hotel Operators in Brazil (FOHB) and a recent survey carried out by the website O Globo. The central points related to consumption behavior indicated that, although the tourism sector has not recovered 100%, its recovery has emerged in a positive way, among the sectors, the airline and the hotel sector stand out. In this way, it was still possible to notice that tourists tend to opt at this time of resumption for domestic flights and that include the presence of the family.

Applied Tourism

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