• Abstract

    Desafios e tendências do Jornalismo frente à Inteligência Artificial

    Published date: 11/12/2023

    This article presents a theoretical exploration of the shifts impacting photojournalism due to the widespread adoption of Artificial Intelligence (AI) image production applications. This emerging method of image creation appears to reintroduce a discourse akin to illustrations, reminiscent of photojournalism's nascent stages within print media. The objective is to comprehend this shift by conducting a theoretical analysis of the topic, coupled with the observation of AI-generated journal entries and photojournalistic visuals. This endeavor seeks to trace the evolution of photographic theoretical paradigms from the Barthesian notion of the "that was" to a contemplation of the plausible present world.

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Vozes e Diálogo

Academic magazine linked to Communication courses and the Master's Program in Public Policy Management at the University of Vale do Itajaí (Univali).

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